High Voltage measurement

Keithley 6105 Resisitivity Adapter, Test Fixture

DIN-EN ISO surface AND volume resistivity adapter probe with HV source input.

For use with electrometer, GOhm-meter or pA-meter and high-voltage source.

A must. Mechanical device for reproducable, absolute (not only relative) measurement of surface and volume resistivity. Important for everyone who is working on conductivity of ESL diaphragms or who is develloping his own coating liquid.

Permanently reliable, absolute  and reproducable measurement results. We won't give away this treasure at  less than ..

FLUKE/Philips 415B, High Voltage Power Supply 5kV

Regulated source. e,g. for reliantly testing all bare ESL  panels like Quad, B&W, Shackman, Acoustat, Martin Logan. Ideal for any new ESL loudspeaker under test , e.g. for finding the corresponding stretching force to a given electrostatic field strength and vice versa.

Undestroyable. Solid state Tube driven with absolute constant voltage and current.  Industial, scientific and military standards.

New tubes. Attenuation in 1/10/100/1000 Volt steps, reverse polarity switchable. Best for precise surface resistitvity measurements under high voltage conditions in conjunction with a Pico-Amperemeter (Keithley) and eventually an appropriate probe like the one and only Keithley 6105 Resisitivity adapter