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Clearance sale Laboratory Glass
All kind of special and ordinary laboratory glass. Schott Jena products for your production of coating liquid. We stopped our developping work on coating liquid, after finding the ultimate solution


Please ask  for a more detailed list. Thousends of special glass and ceramic  available. This is the overstock  of our work on ESL coating liquid. All glass is Schott Jena glass quality.



Please ask for quotes, if you are intertested in some of the special items below


Please ask for quotes, if you are intertested in some of the above items


Messzylinder, jeweils 6 Stück

Reagenzgläser, jeweils 10 Stück



Copy of Philips AD2600RT8

The most famous Philps magnetostatic ribbon loudspeaker. Absolutely high-end

High efficeiency, absolute linearity up to 30kHz, 

5 available.

Copy of Philips AD2600RT8

The most famous Philps magnetostatic ribbon loudspeaker. Absolutely high-end

High efficeiency, absolute linearity up to 30kHz, 

5 available.

Copy of Philips AD2600RT8

The most famous Philps magnetostatic ribbon loudspeaker. Absolutely high-end

High efficeiency, absolute linearity up to 30kHz, 

5 available.

Copy of Philips AD2600RT8

The most famous Philps magnetostatic ribbon loudspeaker. Absolutely high-end

High efficeiency, absolute linearity up to 30kHz, 

5 available.

Copy of Philips AD2600RT8

The most famous Philps magnetostatic ribbon loudspeaker. Absolutely high-end

High efficeiency, absolute linearity up to 30kHz, 

5 available.

Copy of Philips AD2600RT8

The most famous Philps magnetostatic ribbon loudspeaker. Absolutely high-end

High efficeiency, absolute linearity up to 30kHz, 

5 available.

Copy of Philips AD2600RT8

The most famous Philps magnetostatic ribbon loudspeaker. Absolutely high-end

High efficeiency, absolute linearity up to 30kHz, 

5 available.

Copy of Philips AD2600RT8

The most famous Philps magnetostatic ribbon loudspeaker. Absolutely high-end

High efficeiency, absolute linearity up to 30kHz, 

5 available.

Copy of Philips AD2600RT8

The most famous Philps magnetostatic ribbon loudspeaker. Absolutely high-end

High efficeiency, absolute linearity up to 30kHz, 

5 available.

Copy of Philips AD2600RT8

The most famous Philps magnetostatic ribbon loudspeaker. Absolutely high-end

High efficeiency, absolute linearity up to 30kHz, 

5 available.