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DC OTL HV Tube Versions
Directly  coupled  OTL HV output amplifiers  (or  kits) for powering an electrostatic tweeter without stepup.

There are two different types of Shackman OTL tube amps.

  • V-Type-MHT - this one is designed for frequencies down to 800Hz
  • V-Type-WR   -   this one is designed for frequencies down to 300Hz Type

Type WR delivers nearly double the voltage than the Type-MHT. So it is able to drive much larger ESL panel than the MHT-Type. Or to provide the same smaller panel with much more undistorted power.


V-Typ-MHT ready to go

Completely mounted,

w/o transformer/tubes

Layout for 2 EL84, 1 ECC83

This amp is for electrostatic tweeter down to 800Hz 

Price per piece

V-Typ-WR ready to go

Completely mounted,

w/o transformer/tubes 

Layout for 4 EL84, 2 ECC83

This amp is for electrostatic tweeters down to 300Hz 

Price per piece

V-Typ-MHT, DIY-kit

The OTL for MHT type electrostatic loudspeakers  f_c>800Hz

All parts including PCB, w/o transformer/tubes 

price per piece



V-Typ-WR, DIY kit

The OTL for wide range type elecrostatic loudspeakers  f_c>300Hz

All parts including PCB, w/o transformer/tubes 

price per piece



VVC-640, Toroidal High voltage tube amplifier power transformer

Special universal high voltage transformer for all Shackman HV OTL amplifiers (V-Type. T-Type)

640V/440/350-115-15V-6,3V 4A , toroidal

prim.: 0 - 115 - 230V

sek. : 0 - 320 - 440 - 640V/0,10A for HV audio amplification

115V/0,05A for HV EHT polrization voltage

2x15V/0,10A for active crossover

6,3V/3,50A, tube heater

d = 97 mm h = 50 mm

T 40/E 50/60Hz n. EN 60742, CE certificated 

Choke WR, 130 mH or 70mH

For passive crossover V-Type-WR or V-Type MHT , a pair
For passive crossover  WR 150mH, MHT 70mH

Copper wire for x_over choke for V-Type-MHT/WR

For building its owm WR x_over coil for V-Type-MHT 0,15mm dia
10m for 100 windings, sufficiant for winding 4 coils

Choke Coil core shell set, PCB version

For winding high inductancies, a pair

Set of two, with clmaps for fixing on PCB

Teflon Cable

High dielectric strength, high voltage cable.

3 colours à 30cm, red. yellow, black