Mechanical Components

Sockets etc. for High Voltage Application

Parts for Shackman Hifg Voltage Amplifiers

HV socket 3-pole, 6kV

Hochspannungsfeste Verbindung

HV Buchse, 3-pole, 6kV

Hochspannungsfeste Verbindung

Copper wire for x_over choke for V-Type-MHT/WR

For building its owm WR x_over coil for V-Type-MHT 0,15mm dia
10m for 100 windings, sufficiant for winding 4 coils

PDM-2022, Original Damping Mesh for Quad ESL63 back stators

Finest high-tech Polyester mesh for electrostic loudspeakers. Same type and manufacturer originally used by Quad for  ESL panels and stators.

Allows efficient damping of  resonance frequencies in electrostatic loudspeakers. Wonderful results, when apropriately used.

Simultaneously it  gives an anti-sticking contact shield for the coated side of the diaphragm to the stator .

Price per m²


Choke Coil core shell set, PCB version

For winding high inductancies, a pair

Set of two, with clmaps for fixing on PCB

Teflon Cable

High dielectric strength, high voltage cable.

3 colours à 30cm, red. yellow, black

Choke WR, 130 mH or 70mH

For passive crossover V-Type-WR or V-Type MHT , a pair
For passive crossover  WR 150mH, MHT 70mH

Foil, Mylar C , 3µ or 6µ, eg. for Quad 57/63/98xx, ML, Acoustat

Width 31cm (6µm only) or 60cm (3µ,m and 6µm), Minimum order 5m


 Pretensilized in both directions, the most used foil for ESl loudspeakers. Especially full range speakers.

 These ones are the original foils in Quad ESL63 and ESL57

Lochrasterplatine Punkt 10 x 10 blau

Sim Sockel

6 Pin
6 Pin

Lochrasterplatine 10x10 Gold


Lochrasterplatine 10x16 blau

Lochrasterplatine 10x16 gold